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Outstanding Quotes Blog

Quotes Word

Assalam o alikum everyone, hope so all will be well. Welome to another Blog .Today, i am going to show you an beautiful Urdu quotes . This quote also written by English words for English speakers . Hope so you will enjoy to read our blog.


  "The connection of sustenance is not based on human capability but is a gift from the Almighty. Indeed, Allah is the Best of Providers.

رزق کا تعلق انسان کی قابلیت سے نہیں بلکہ رب کی عطا سے ہوتا ہے۔
واللہ خیر الرازقین❤

What Poetry explain us?

As we know that all things that happen in our life are the gift of Allah. So all benefits that we are  getting in our life are just for Allah not our quality.

Here you can read many quotes about life such as:
  • Sad quotes
  • Urdu quotes
  • Happy quotes
  • Motivational quotes

All quotes are related to different categories, like:
#Urdu Quotes
#Urdu Shayari
#Deep quotes
#Beautiful Quotes in Urdu 
#Poetry Quotes in Urdu
#Quotes about life in Urdu
#Islamic Quotes jn Urdu


Urdu Quotes , Often called " Aqwal-e-Zareen" or Urdu exioms are Proverbs or sayings in urdu that encapsulate wisdom,life lessons or deep understanding. These quotes combine beautiful words with deep emotions,drawing from the rich literature and culture of Urdu. It is designed to convey the message concisely and effectively. 

1. Grace of Language.

Urdu language adds a layer of beauty to quotes with its poetic and melodic nature. The choice of words and the rhythm in which they are presented help enhance the beauty of the words.

2. Cultural meaning

Urdu Quotes often reflect the culture and values of South Asia. They can be inspired by historical events, ancient literature or the teachings of the poets.

3. Philosophical insights

These quotes often talk in depth about life and touch on themes such as love, humanity. The brevity of the message allows it to make an impact on this topic.

4. Inspiring messages

Most of the Urdu messages are inspirational and encourage people to overcome difficulties, follow their dreams and live a meaningful life. They often provide guidance for navigating difficult relationships and personal growth.

5. Universal Applicability

Although rooted in Urdu culture, scientific content in this language ins generally of universal significant. The fact that the knowledge they have is not limited to a region or language enables them to understand and influence different cultures.

6. Literary Heritage

Urdu quotations are deeply intertwined with the classical poetry and prose of Urdu literature. They can learn from the works of famous poets like

  • Ghalib
  • Iqbal
  • Faiz 
  • Others

They contribute to the continuation of the writing.

7. Social commentary

Some Urdu words are a form of social commentary and are related culture, morals and values. They can make people think about their actions and contribute to the quality of life.


In conclusion, Urdu Quotes provide the beauty, rich culture and philosophical depth of the language. They are powerful tools for communicating immutable truth and encouraging people on their life journeys. 

Other quotes

 1. **Urdu Quote:**

   "زندگی ایک خوبصورت ہے، ہر موقع ایک راز چھپاتا ہے۔"

   "Life is a beautiful journey, with every opportunity holding a secret."

2. **Urdu Quote:**

   "زندگی میں ہر لمحہ ایک سبق ہے، ہر مشکل ایک موقع ہے۔"

   "In life, every moment is a lesson, every challenge is an opportunity."

3. **Urdu Quote:**

   "زندگی کی قیمت، ہر مسکراہٹ میں چھپی ہے۔"

   "The value of life is hidden in every smile."

4. **Urdu Quote:**

   "Life is like a canvas; it becomes beautiful when you paint it with love and kindness."

5. **Urdu Quote:**

   "زندگی میں خواب دیکھو، اور اُنہیں پورا کرنے کا حسینہ چھوڑو۔"

   "Dream in life, and leave no stone unturned to fulfill them."

6. **Urdu Quote:**

   "Life is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."

   "زندگی ایک کتاب ہے، اور جو لوگ سفر نہیں کرتے، صرف ایک صفحہ پڑھتے ہیں۔"

7. **Urdu Quote:**

   "Life's journey is a series of choices; make each step count."

   "زندگی کا سفر ایک چارہی سلسلہ ہے؛ ہر قدم کو اہمیت دو۔"


1. ہمیشہ مسکراہٹ رکھو، کیونکہ تمہاری مسکراہٹ کسی کے لئے تمہارے دل کا اچھا کر دیتی ہے۔

   ("Always keep smiling, because your smile may brighten someone else's heart.")

2. زندگی میں ہر رنگ ہسبت ہے، چاہے کچھ دن گراں ہوں یا کچھ دن ہلکا۔

   ("Every color has its own significance in life, whether some days are heavy or some days are light.")

3. توجھ سے بھلے ہیں ہم، توجھ سے نہیں تو ہمیں بھی خبر ہے۔

   (" It is better for us to forget about you, even if you don't, we know how to.")

4. راتوں کو بہت خواب آتے ہیں، مگر دن کو بھی محبتوں کی بہت خوشبو محسوس ہوتی ہے۔

   (" Nights bring many dreams, but during the day, one can feel the fragrance of love too.")

5. چاہے جو بھی ہو، خواب دیکھو، مگر ہر چیز کو حقیقت میں تبدیل کرنے کا ہوشیار رہو۔

   ("Dream whatever you want, but be vigilant about turning everything into reality.")

6. دنیا کا ہر راز صرف صبر سے ہی کھلتا ہے۔

  ("Every secret of the world unfolds only with patience.")

7. محبت میں دھوکہ خوراں نہیں دیتے، صرف آپ کو بہتر بناتے ہیں۔

   ("Love doesn't betray, it only makes you a better person.")

8. کامیابی کا راستہ ہمیشہ مشکلوں سے گزرتا ہے۔

   ("The path to success always passes through difficulties.")

9. تمہارے اہم خوابوں کو پورا کرنے کے لئے تمہیں خود پر یقین رکھنا ہوگا۔

   ("To fulfill your important dreams, you must have faith in yourself.")

10. زندگی میں ہر مشکل کو چہل قدمی سمجھو، کیونکہ وہ تمہیں زندگی کا سیکھنے کا موقع فراہم کرتی ہے۔

    ("Consider every difficulty in life as a step towards maturity because it provides you with an opportunity to learn.")

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